...Just a Surfer

Even the most unspectacular surfers lead extraordinary lives. Here is the journal of one.

Thursday, September 23, 2004


DAY 91

On a clear morning, two business men is full three piece suits waited in the lobby of a five story office building in Irvine.

Of the buildings two elevators, one bore a sign indicating that it was out of order. The digital indicator above the second elevator showed the number 5.

The men waited. One man adjusted his tie. The other man checked his watch. It was two minutes past eight o'clock.

The two men both looked upward as the floor indicator shifted from 5 to 4, and onward to 3.

The elevator door opened, and the two men walked inside with measured steps, and turned around to the socially acceptable stance.

Around this time, I had just entered the lobby with one of the girls who works in administration at my office. We saw the open elevator door and made a quick pace for it, entering just as the doors began to close.

Of the four people in the elevator, all were dressed for business, with clothing styles ranging from professional financial to office casual. We all had our dress shoes. We all had neatly combed hair and shining watches. We all rode silently in the acceptable face forward position.

However, something was different. Something was just a little off of norm, and it stiffened the air to the point of uncomfortably.

One of us - and I'm not saying who - but one of the people on that elevator didn't fit in. One was different. One of the people on that elevator in that office building this morning - was carrying a six foot, eight inch, yellow and green tri-fin short board, still dripping salt water onto the elevator floor.


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