...Just a Surfer

Even the most unspectacular surfers lead extraordinary lives. Here is the journal of one.

Friday, November 04, 2005

True story

My wife was sitting in the passenger seat of my truck.

"Hey." She said accusingly, glaring at me sideways. "What the hell is this?"
In her hand she held a woman's make up applicator. It was an odd type. I can't say for certian that I understood the design. It looked like a pen, but had make up of some sort in it.

"Uh.... I dunno. What is is?"

"It's lipstick"

"Right.... it's lipstick."

She got a little more glaring. "Whose lipstick is it, Travis?"

"Uh... I dunno."

"Travis." she said, urgently. "Whose lipstick is it."

"Uh.... it's the funniest story, really..... uh.... well, you see... sometimes, when I'm out surfing.... uh... I come across, uh, trash, you know, uh, just random trash floating in the ocean. So, when I come across it, I usually stuff it into my wetsuit arm, you know, so I can throw it away, later, when I get out. So... I found that, in the ocean, and I put it in my wetsuit to throw away, and just forgot to throw it away, you know. So, it's been laying in my truck for a week or two. You can throw it away if you want."

She stared at me, as if to discern the truth from the chaff, and the shrugged it off.

Hey, what could I do? It was a true story.


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